Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hey Blogging World!

So, yes, as you probably guessed for yourselves, this is my first ever blog post! I find this oddly exciting because, finally, I am able to share with you fellow book aficionados, my passion for reading and delving into fantasy worlds full of magic, a sprinkling of action, a cup of humour and a bucketful of romance... (because, come on now, romance is the REAL reason why we all read these kinds of books, am I right?)

I've been meaning to start up a book blog for a while now, but I've never really gotten around to starting it up.  So, as I sat at my desk, thinking of an interesting blog title and whatnot, I honestly had no idea where to start... So, naturally, I went straight to my favourite book blog site, MundieMoms, and browsed through countless blog entries and reviews and gained some more enthusiasm from there. So, I messaged the MundieMoms admin Katie and asked for a few handy hints. Two emails, seven days and many helpful and encouraging hints on Katie's part later, I came up with a blog title "The Scarlet Bookend" and material for my blog!

My love for books probably stemmed from my mother who is a children’s book author.  I remember lying down in bed at night, lamp on and tucked in all snug, and my mother sitting next to me, reading rough copies of her manuscripts to me.  She tells me stories of how when I was too young to remember, I used to say little comments here and there which would help her write her books and remove her chronic writer’s block, if only for a little while.

The first novel I ever read was in the second grade and it was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I loved that book and soon, my obsession for really long fantasy books and Harry Potter grew. Which leaves me where I am ten years later, reading really long, really amazing romantic fantasy/sci-fi/paranormal books.  I don’t remember where I became so specific and narrow-minded to the genre of books that I will read. Maybe it started with Twilight, although I was never obsessed  with it or a “Twi-hard” as they call the hard core fans of the series.  I have very biasedly (is that even a word?) never wandered from the track of my favourite genre books, and hopefully never will because I love them so so much!

So, hopefully once I post my first review on my blog, of Cassandra Clare’s  Clockwork Angel, you guys will want to visit my blog more often and will take interest in my reviews (insert hypnosis here), so I’ll continue to do what I love to do. Which is talking about books…


  1. Congratulations!!! I'm totally honored we were able to chat via email about blogging! Your blog is going to be fantastic. :) I'm having issues with blogger on my end that won't let me follow you at the moment, but once it's fixed I'll be following you.

  2. Thank you! So am I, I'm so glad you went out of your way to help me with this! :D
